Sunday, January 15, 2017

The two most difficult things in the world

Life is a journey where we meet a lot of people at different phases.
Some give us a helping hand while we are in trouble while some make us realize that we have to rise on our own.
Some motivate us to follow our passions while some discourage us for various reasons.
Some love us selflessly while some confront us with the harsh reality of life that you are needed only until the time you are important to someone.
Some get a place in our heart while some are privileged enough to make it to our ass..:P

Each chapter of life brings along with it a new experience which has its own series of struggles, hardships, success stories and learnings.
A man drives from one experience to another which is the milestone in the journey of life but there are two major roadblocks that slow down his pace.

These roadblocks are actually the two most difficult decisions/things in this world.

The first one is to “Accept one’s mistake and say sorry”.
We tend to make mistakes and hurt a number of people intentionally or unintentionally due to our thinking and actions during the course of our journey. And then comes the most difficult part which is to accept it and say sorry to the concerned person.

But we can’t blame anyone as saying sorry has become outdated.
The coolest thing in today’s world is to be selfish and self-centered.
Emotions, feelings and love are mostly found in the emojis on social media as they rarely make it to the heart.
Being heartless is the new trend in the market; very soon you can wear tees with that written on it.
People love their comfort and convenience even more than their parents, so whoever you are, they don’t care. And if the decisions though taken together affect their comfort and convenience, they will leave you to suffer alone as doing so is part of their morals.
And you dare even expect a sorry from them as thinking like that also is the biggest act of foolishness.

The second most difficult thing in this world is to “Forgive someone
You can forget a person who has betrayed, used or cheated you but you will never be able to forgive them.
Forgiving a person who has brutally plundered your heart is the biggest act of humanity. 

But in today’s world revenge is considered as the most beloved act of humanity as it is the path to nirvana, that’s what people think, I suppose.
Couple of day’s back I came across these 2 headlines -:
A guy tried to choke his ex-lover in a cab and second, Husband shot the bf of his wife who died later.
And there are number of such cases happening on daily basis where people choose revenge over humanity.

So if a person forgives you for the wrong you have done, you don’t have to say those 3 golden words but just a simple and sober “Sorry” as today the act of forgiveness is very uncommon in common people.


  1. Dude saying sorry or forgiving someone is the most important and required part of our life.. If we cannot go for these, we would never be able to feel self-satisfied and move on easily and completely..

  2. Participate in blogging contest at soon.....Assured prizes for winners....
