Tuesday, December 8, 2015

10 tips for amazing first time sex experience

First time sex is very special, a memory that you want to carry with you for the rest of your life. It can be passionate, exciting, relaxing, fun, heavenly, loving and sometimes all of these. Losing virginity to that special someone is not what happens every day and to make it memorable it is important to know whether it is the right time or not. To help with your first sexual experience, we’ve compiled a list of 10 things you can do to ensure that your first time is an amazing one.

1. Ask yourself, “Are you up for it?”
Stand in front of the mirror and pop up this question to yourself, “Are you ready for your first lovemaking?” . If you get excited and pumped up, go for it, but if you are worried then just wait for the right time to arrive. Also be clear whether you are having sex to satisfy yourself or your partner.
 Remember, there’s usually a legal age for when you can have sex (in India it’s 18).

2. Give and take hints
Understanding the sign game is very important when it is your first time. If you have any issues or worries it is good to talk openly about it to your partner but if that is difficult hints play a major role in letting you decide whether your partner is ready for it too.

3. Have proper knowledge
Read about it on net, visit a sexual health center or even take suggestions are your besties to make sure that your first time is going to be safe – then you can concentrate on making it amazing. Remember, condoms are designed to prevent infections and unplanned pregnancies, so they are a must for first time sex. Use them to set your mind at ease for the actual act. Other forms of contraception should be discussed with your GP.

4. Get to know what turns you on
For a wonderful first time experience it is very important to know what turns you on and touching which parts of the body gives you the maximum pleasure. The best way of discovering this is through finding them out yourself. Although nobody admits it, most people masturbate while seeing, imagining or feeling what excites them.

5. Choose the right place and time
For setting the right mood for intimacy, the choice of place and time is very important.
Always prefer a place which is calm, safe, hygienic and private. Choose the time when both of you are free. As a couple you need some space and time to become comfortable with each other, so have a consensus on the place and time.

6. Sex shouldn’t harm your body
First sex should give you pleasure, turn you on, satisfy you to the fullest but should not harm your body. Listen to your body: if it feels uncomfortable, sore or painful, just stop. It could be a sign that you aren't quite ready or that you'd prefer a different position or another time.

7. You are a new player so it is ok to be embarrassed
You are a new player in the game so it may not be possible to have a smooth ride. It might be a little bit stop/start to begin with as your bodies will react differently and you may feel embarrassed or awkward – this is okay so long as it feels amazing too. In fact, it would go well if you can giggle and have fun with it.

8. Time is the key to success
Take your time to get into the mood as there is no need to rush. Go as slow as you wish and experiment. Unlike in romantic movies or pornography, sex doesn't have to happen in a passionate clinch and not everyone likes it that way. Focus on having the kind of sex you both want. This can take time, but it can be so much more intense and satisfying.

9. Talks between the sheets
The only way to learn what you and your partner enjoy is to communicate. The question is, how? During sex keep it simple: Say things like, “Oh yes.” “Wait.” “Keep going.” “Softer.” ”Harder.” “Faster.” As well as words, listen for the hot noises and whispers of ecstasy from your partner. Watch and feel how your bodies respond to each other and mix it up to heighten the experience.

10. The after-effects
Sex means different things to different people. You should be ready to face the after-effects of it. Some people say sex can bring people really close together – these are intimate moments that only they will experience. Others see sex as just another thrilling experience. Sex may change your relationship, or it may not – talking about it can help you decide what it means for you.

Sex can be great, but make sure you’re having it for the right reasons. When you’re comfortable and the mood is just right, you can feel the best you’ve ever felt. But if something’s missing, do wait until the time is right for you.

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